Common Name: praxelis
Family: Asteraceae
Common Synonyms: none
USDA Hardiness Zone: NA
Growth Habit: Herb or suffrutescent
Origin: South America
FISC Category: 2
FDACS Listed Noxious Weed: No
Introduction Date: Earliest Florida herbarium specimen from 2006
IFAS Assessment:
A perennial aster that grows to 1.3 m tall. Leaves are opposite, hairy, coarsely toothed, and emit an odor similar to minty cat urine when crushed. Leaf blades are ovate with an acute tip, up to 8 cm long and 5 cm wide. The lower surface is gland-dotted. Flowers are small and bluish purple, clustered into discoid heads. with clusters of small bluish purple flowers.
Prefers disturbed, dry habitats including orange groves, road shoulders and pine plantations.
No specific recommendations available.
Weed Risk Assessment for Praxelis clematidea: