Common Name: alligator weed
Family: Amaranthaceae
Common Synonyms: Achyranthes philoxeroides
USDA Hardiness Zone: 7b-11
Growth Habit: Aquatic, Forb/Herb
Origin: South America
FISC Category: 2
FDACS Listed Noxious Weed: Yes
Introduction Date: 1894
IFAS Assessment:
Found throughout florida, alligator weed is a trailing herb that can grow aquatically. The plant has hollow stems and will have nodes along the stalk where it is able to root. Leaves are opposite, simple, and elliptic with smooth margins. Has small white bushy flowers that are visible during the warm months of the year.
Freshwater tidal swamp, slough, floodplain marsh, strand swamp, ponds, row crops, gardens
Spreads by dividing rhizomes, tubers, corms or bulbs, not by seed.
IFAS, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants. 2013. Accessed June 13, 2017.
IFAS, Assessment of Non-Native Plants in Florida's Natural Areas. Accessed June 13, 2017.
Dave's Garden. PlantFiles: alligatorweed, Alternanthera philoxeroides. Accessed June 13, 2017.
IFAS. 2011. Integrated Management of Nonnative Plants in Natural Areas of Florida. Accessed June 13, 2017.