Nandina domestica

Common Name: heavenly bamboo

Family: Berberidaceae

Common Synonyms: none

USDA Hardiness Zone: 6a-11

Growth Habit: Evergreen shrub

Origin: India to east Asia

FISC Category: 1

FDACS Listed Noxious Weed: No

Introduction Date: Earliest Florida specimen vouchered in 1929

IFAS Assessment:

  • North: INVASIVE
  • Central: INVASIVE
  • South: CAUTION
Habit and mature red fruits
Brenda Herring
Scan of leaf with many leaflets and immature green fruits
Brenda Herring


Evergreen multistemmed shrub to 1.8 m tall, spreading by rhizomes. Leaves alternate, large, 2-3 times odd pinnately compound. Leaflets 2-6 cm. Flowers small, pinkish-white with yellow anthers. Fruit a 2-seeded globose berry, red, 6-12 mm in diameter.


Upland hardwood forest, mesic hammock


Spreads by wildlife dispersed seeds and vegetatively through rhizomes and suckers.

Map of species distribution

Control Methods

  • Manual: NA
  • Chemical: Basal bark (15% Trichlopyr ester in mineral oil, IFAS).
  • Biological: NA

Control Notes

Note: Collect and destroy fruits


Dave's Garden. 2014. PlantFiles: Nandina, Nandina domestica. Accessed on June 23, 2014.

Langeland, K.A., H.M. Cherry, C.M. McCormick, K.C. Burks. 2008. Identification and Biology of Non-Native Plants in Florida's Natural Areas-Second Edition. IFAS Publication SP 257. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.

Langeland, K.A., J.A. Ferrell, B. Sellers, G.E. MacDonald, and R.K. Stocker. 2011. Integrated management of non-native plants in natural areas of Florida. EDIS publication SP 242. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.

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