As a repository for information on Florida's Conservation Lands and rare species, FNAI is uniquely suited for conduct the large scale spatial analyses important to landscape level decision makers.
Natural resource mapping and prioritization
Florida Forever
Site Assessments
Species habitat and predictive distribution modeling
FNAI is currently developing predicted habitat distribution models using MAXENT and Random Forest approaches to inform US Fish and Wildlife Service Species Status Assessment (SSA).
We worked with NatureServe, in cooperation with ESRI and Microsoft, to develop the national Map of Biodiversity Importance (MoBI). MoBI is a collaborative predicted habitat modeling project intended to to identify the places most important for conserving at-risk species.
Longleaf Databases - FNAI is working with partners to develop a comprehensive map of documented longleaf pine occurrences and ecological conditions across the range.
Cooperative Landcover Map - FNAI and its partners are working to develop a single statewide land cover map based on best available data that has broad support and can be used by a diverse group of planners and managers.
Reserve design
Florida Forever F-TRAC acquisition project prioritization process
Decision support data and tools
CLIP - CLIP is a GIS database of statewide conservation priorities for a broad range of natural resources, including biodiversity, landscape function, surface water, groundwater, and marine resources.
FNAI scientists provide expert input on rare species and natural community management issues in the management plans for Florida conservation lands as part of the statutory plan review process.