Spatial Analysis and Planning

As a repository for information on Florida's Conservation Lands and rare species, FNAI is uniquely suited for conduct the large scale spatial analyses important to landscape level decision makers.

Field work in a pine landscape
  • Natural resource mapping and prioritization
    • Florida Forever
      Site Assessments
  • Species habitat and predictive distribution modeling
  • Land cover classification and analysis
    • Longleaf Databases - FNAI is working with partners to develop a comprehensive map of documented longleaf pine occurrences and ecological conditions across the range.
    • Cooperative Landcover Map - FNAI and its partners are working to develop a single statewide land cover map based on best available data that has broad support and can be used by a diverse group of planners and managers.
  • Reserve design
    • Florida Forever F-TRAC acquisition project prioritization process
  • Decision support data and tools
  • Land management review and planning
    • FNAI scientists provide expert input on rare species and natural community management issues in the management plans for Florida conservation lands as part of the statutory plan review process.